With the release of the new HTTP library (version 4000) that code doesn't work anymore. This post presents a different solution to the problem.
Instead of pulling data out of html documents, we instead load and parse the local .tar file that cabal-install uses to do its own dependency chasing.
You'll need tar and utf8-string from Hackage.
First, the necessary imports:
And now the 'main' method.
> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.List
> import Codec.Archive.Tar
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8
> import System.IO
> import System.Environment
> import Distribution.Text
> import Distribution.Package
> import Distribution.PackageDescription
> import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
The first argument is the name of the package you're checking dependencies for, and the second argument is the path to the Hackage index tar-file (for me this is ~/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar).
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> [target,tarball] <- getArgs
> withFile tarball ReadMode $ \h -> do
> contents <- BS.hGetContents h
> let matches = matchesFromIndex contents (== target)
> sequence_ $ map (print . disp) matches
And then we have the function which, given the contents of the tar-file as a ByteString, returns back the list of PackageIds which depend on the indicated package.
> matchesFromIndex :: ByteString -> (String -> Bool) -> [PackageId]
> matchesFromIndex index p =
> let tarchive = readTarArchive index
> cabalFiles = map UTF8.toString $ findCabalEntries tarchive
> parseResults = map parsePackageDescription cabalFiles
> gPckgDiscs = okayOnly parseResults
> matches = filter (match p) gPckgDiscs
> in map packageId matches
> okayOnly :: [ParseResult a] -> [a]
> okayOnly = mapMaybe fromOkay
> where fromOkay (ParseOk _ a) = Just a
> fromOkay _ = Nothing
There's a bit of black-magic going on here - I don't entirely understand the structure of the new 'library' and 'executable' sections of the .cabal file, but I scrape everything out which has the right type.
> -- Does this package have a dependency which matches our
> -- query?
> match :: (String -> Bool) -> GenericPackageDescription -> Bool
> match p pkg = any (matchDep p) (gPckgDeps pkg)
> -- Does this dependency match our query?
> matchDep :: (String -> Bool) -> Dependency -> Bool
> matchDep p (Dependency (PackageName name) _) = p name
And this is the bit which takes the decoded tar-file and returns back the entries which look like they could be .cabal files.
> gPckgDeps :: GenericPackageDescription -> [Dependency]
> gPckgDeps pkg = normalDeps ++ libDeps ++ execDeps
> where
> normalDeps = buildDepends $ packageDescription pkg
> libDeps = case condLibrary pkg of
> Nothing -> []
> Just cndTree -> depsFromCndTree exLibDeps cndTree
> execDeps = concatMap (depsFromCndTree exExecDeps . snd)
> (condExecutables pkg)
> exLibDeps = pkgconfigDepends . libBuildInfo
> exExecDeps = pkgconfigDepends . buildInfo
> depsFromCndTree f tree =
> let x = condTreeData tree
> parts = condTreeComponents tree
> mdlTrees = map mdl parts
> thrdTrees = mapMaybe thrd parts
> trees = mdlTrees ++ thrdTrees
> in f x ++
> condTreeConstraints tree ++
> concatMap (depsFromCndTree f) trees
> where mdl (_,x,_) = x
> thrd (_,_,x) = x
> findCabalEntries :: TarArchive -> [ByteString]
> findCabalEntries TarArchive{archiveEntries = xs} = mapMaybe go xs
> where go :: TarEntry -> Maybe ByteString
> go x | fileType x /= TarNormalFile = Nothing
> | isBoringName (fileName x) = Nothing
> | otherwise = Just $ entryData x
> fileType = tarFileType . entryHeader
> fileName = tarFileName . entryHeader
> isBoringName = not . isSuffixOf ".cabal"
Not too shabby.
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